Data Retrieval API


Two Data Retrieval API solutions are maintained, with identical REST APIs.



Source code repository is available at


Variable name Default value Description
REST_ENABLED true Enables/disables REST endpoints of DOA
SSL_ENABLED true Enables/disables TLS for DOA REST endpoints
KEYSTORE_PATH /etc/ega/ssl/server.cert Path to server keystore file
KEYSTORE_PASSWORD Password for the keystore
OUTBOX_ENABLED true Enables/disables the outbox functionality
OUTBOX_QUEUE exportRequests MQ queue name for files/datasets export requests
OUTBOX_LOCATION /ega/outbox/p11-%s/files/ Outbox location with placeholder for the username
BROKER_HOST private-mq Local RabbitMQ broker hostname
BROKER_PORT 5671 Local RabbitMQ broker port
BROKER_VHOST / Local RabbitMQ broker virtual host
BROKER_VALIDATE true Validate server MQ certificate or not
DB_INSTANCE db Database hostname
DB_PORT 5432 Database port
POSTGRES_DB lega Database name
ROOT_CERT_PATH /etc/ega/ssl/CA.cert Path to the CA file for database connectivity
CERT_PATH /etc/ega/ssl/client.cert Path to the client cert for database connectivity
CERT_KEY /etc/ega/ssl/client.key Path to the client key for database connectivity
POSTGRES_USER lega_out Database username
POSTGRES_PASSWORD Database password
S3_ENDPOINT vault S3 server hostname
S3_PORT 443 S3 server port
S3_ACCESS_KEY minio S3 access key
S3_SECRET_KEY miniostorage S3 secret key
S3_REGION us-west-1 S3 region
S3_BUCKET lega S3 bucket to use
S3_SECURE true true if S3 backend should be accessed over HTTPS
S3_ROOT_CERT_PATH /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt Path to the CA certs file for S3 connectivity
ARCHIVE_PATH / Path to the filesystem-archive
PASSPORT_PUBLIC_KEY_PATH /etc/ega/jwt/passport.pem Path to the public key for passport JWT validation
OPENID_CONFIGURATION_URL URL of the OpenID configuration endpoint
VISA_PUBLIC_KEY_PATH /etc/ega/jwt/visa.pem Path to the public key for visas JWT validation
CRYPT4GH_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH /etc/ega/crypt4gh/key.pem Path to the Crypt4GH private key
CRYPT4GH_PRIVATE_KEY_PASSWORD_PATH /etc/ega/crypt4gh/key.pass Path to the Crypt4GH private key passphrase
LOGSTASH_HOST Hostname of the Logstash instance (if any)
LOGSTASH_PORT Port of the Logstash instance (if any)

Outbox functionality


Outbox can be disabled using OUTBOX_ENABLED environment variable.

Outbox in DOA is RabbitMQ-based listener that can be triggered by incoming "export request". Template of such message:

    "jwtToken": "...",         // mandatory: Elixir AAI token (see below)
    "datasetId": "...",        // optional: either datasetId, or fileId should be specified
    "fileId": "...",           // optional: either datasetId, or fileId should be specified
    "publicKey": "...",        // mandatory: Crypt4GH public key of the requester
    "startCoordinate": "...",  // optional
    "endCoordinate": "...",    // optional

Upon receival of such message, DOA acts exactly the same way as if this information arrived via REST endpoint. The difference is that data is not "returned" to the requester in a response, but is being dumped to the outbox location (re-encrypted for the requester).

The reason for having this functionality is so-called "offline" use-case, where DOA is running in the isolated environment (like TSD) and can't expose REST API (but still can receive RabbitMQ messages).

Handling Permissions

Data Retrieval API can be run with connection to an AAI or without. If connection to an AAI provider is not possible, the PASSPORT_PUBLIC_KEY_PATH and CRYPT4GH_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH need to be set.


The default JWT for authentication is LifeScience AAI, and the OPENID_CONFIGURATION_URL is set to:

If connected to an AAI provider the current implementation is based on GA4GH Passports

sequenceDiagram actor client client->>sda-download: request datasets/data note right of client: send HTTP Authorization Bearer JWT activate sda-download client->>sda-download: check datasets/data exists sda-download-->AAI: request GA4GH Visas permissions (userinfo endpoint) activate AAI AAI->>GA4GH Visa Issuer: get GA4GH Visa from Issuer GA4GH Visa Issuer->>AAI: GA4GH Visas deactivate AAI AAI->>sda-download: GA4GH Visas note right of sda-download: check known GA4GH Visa Issuer sda-download->GA4GH Visa Issuer: validate GA4GH visas signature sda-download->>client: return datasets/data deactivate sda-download

The AAI JWT payload should contain a GA4GH Passport claim in the scope:

    "scope": "openid ga4gh_passport_v1",

The token is then intended to be delivered to the /userinfo endpoint at AAI, which will respond with a list of assorted JWTs gathered from providers that need to be parsed in order to find the relevant information.

    "ga4gh_passport_v1": [

Each third party token (JWT, RFC 7519) consists of three parts separated by dots, in the following manner: header.payload.signature. This module processes the assorted tokens to extract the information they carry and to validate that data. The process is carried out as such:

Dataset permissions are read from GA4GH RI claims of the type "ControlledAccessGrants"

    "ga4gh_visa_v1": {
        "type": "ControlledAccessGrants",
        "value": "",
        "source": "",
        "by": "dac",
        "asserted": 1546300800,
        "expires": 1577836800



Source code repository is available at:

Recommended provisioning method for production is on a kubernetes cluster using the helm chart sda-svc which contains the sda-download.

sda-download focuses on enabling deployment of a stand-alone version of SDA, with features such as: - trusted JKU and ISS pairs; - custom dataset names including DOI URLs; - etc.

REST API Endpoints


REST API can be disabled using REST_ENABLED environment variable.

API endpoints listed as OpenAPI specification is available:

openapi: 3.0.0
  description: SDA Data Retrieval API Documentation derived from EGA Data API
  version: "1.0"
  title: SDA Data Retrieval API Documentation 
    name: Apache 2.0
  - name: file
    description: File Streaming
  - name: metadata
    description: Metadata Controller
        - file
      summary: getFile
      operationId: getFileUsingGET
        - name: fileId
          in: path
          description: fileId
          required: true
            type: string
        - name: destinationFormat
          in: query
          description: destinationFormat
          required: false
            type: string
            default: plain
        - name: startCoordinate
          in: query
          description: startCoordinate
          required: false
            type: integer
            format: int64
            default: 0
        - name: endCoordinate
          in: query
          description: endCoordinate
          required: false
            type: integer
            format: int64
            default: 0
        - name: Public-Key
          in: header
          description: Public Encryption key
          required: false
            type: string
          description: OK
          description: Unauthorized
          description: Forbidden
          description: Not Found
        - metadata
      summary: list
      operationId: listUsingGET
          description: OK
          description: Unauthorized
          description: Forbidden
          description: Not Found
        - metadata
      summary: getDatasetFiles
      operationId: getDatasetFilesUsingGET
        - name: datasetId
          in: path
          description: datasetId
          required: true
            type: string
          description: OK
          description: Unauthorized
          description: Forbidden
          description: Not Found