intercept Service

The intercept service relays messages between CentralEGA and Federated EGA nodes.

Service Description

When running, intercept reads messages from the configured RabbitMQ queue (commonly: from_cega). For each message, these steps are taken:

  1. The message type is read from the message type field.
  2. If the message type is not known, an error is logged and the message is Ack'ed.
  3. The correct queue for the message is decided based on message type.
  4. The message is sent to the queue.
  5. This has no error handling as the resend-mechanism hasn't been finished.
  6. The message is Ack'ed.
  7. If the message type is of unknown type, we acknowledge it and send it to catch_all.dead (needs to exist)


  • Intercept reads messages from one queue (commonly: from_cega).
  • Intercept publishes messages to three queues, accession, ingest, and mappings.


There are a number of options that can be set for the intercept service. These settings can be set by mounting a yaml-file at /config.yaml with settings.


  level: "debug"
  format: "json"

They may also be set using environment variables like:

export LOG_LEVEL="debug"
export LOG_FORMAT="json"

RabbitMQ broker settings

These settings control how intercept connects to the RabbitMQ message broker.

  • BROKER_HOST: hostname of the RabbitMQ server
  • BROKER_PORT: RabbitMQ broker port (commonly: 5671 with TLS and 5672 without)
  • BROKER_QUEUE: message queue to read messages from (commonly: from_cega)
  • BROKER_USER: username to connect to RabbitMQ
  • BROKER_PASSWORD: password to connect to RabbitMQ

Logging settings

  • LOG_FORMAT can be set to “json” to get logs in json format, all other values result in text logging.
  • LOG_LEVEL can be set to one of the following, in increasing order of severity:
    • trace
    • debug
    • info
    • warn (or warning)
    • error
    • fatal
    • panic