
This guide aims to provide general tips on troubleshooting and restoring services to a functional state.


Please also check questions other users have faced: sensitive-data-archive Discussion We encourage starting a discussion there as it will help us improve current guides.

After deployment checklist

After having deployed the SDA services in a FederatedEGA setup, the following steps can be followed to ensure that everything is up and running correctly.

Services running

The first step is to verify that the services are up and running and the credentials are valid. Make sure that:

  • credentials for access to RabbitMQ and Postgres are securely injected to the respective services in the form of secrets
  • all the pods/containers are in Ready/Up status and and no restarts among the pods/containers.
    • for FederatedEGA setup the following pods are required: intercept, ingest, verify, finalize, mapper and a Data Retrieval API
    • check the pods/container logs contain as the last message (after they have started): time="2023-12-12T19:25:02Z" level=info msg="Starting <service-name> service" for intercept, ingest, verify, finalize, mapper
    • check the pods/container logs contain as the last message (after they have started) time="2023-12-12T19:28:16Z" level=info msg="(5/5) Starting web server" for download Data Retrieval service

Next step is to make sure that the remote connections (CentralEGA RabbitMQ) are working. Login to the RabbitMQ admin page and check that:

  • the Federation status of the Admin tab is in state running or using rabbitmqctl federation_status from the command line of a RabbitMQ pod/container.
  • the Shovel status of the Admin tab is in state running for all shovels or using rabbitmqctl shovel_status from the command line of a RabbitMQ pod/container.

End-to-end testing


This guide assumes that there exists a test instance account with CentralEGA. Make sure that the account is approved and added to the submitters group. The local development and testing guide provides the scripts for testing different parts of the setup, that can be used as a reference.

Upload file(s)

Upload one or a number of files of different sizes and check that,

  • the file(s) exists in the configured inbox of the storage backend (e.g. S3 bucket or POSIX path)
  • the file(s) entry exists in the database in the sda.files and sda.file_event_log tables
  • If the s3inbox is used, there should be an uploaded event for each specific file in the sda.file_event_log
  • the file(s) exists in the CentralEGA Submission portal (the submission portal URL address is specific for each FederatedEGA node). Files listing, which can be accessed after pressing the three lines menu button.

Make a test submission

Make a submission with the portal and select the file(s) that were uploaded in the previous step. Once the analysis or runs (one of the two is required) step is finished, the messages for the ingestion of the files should appear in the logs of the ingest service. Make sure that:

  • the messages are arriving for the file(s) included in the submission
  • the ingestion, verify and finalize processes are started and send a message when finished
  • the data in sda.files table are correct
  • the files are logged in the sda.file_event_log table for each of the services and files
  • the file(s) exists in the configured archive storage backend, see the archive_file_path in the sda.files table for the name of the archived file(s)
  • the archived file(s) exists in the configured backup storage backend
  • delete one run in the submitter portal, then and add it back again to make sure the cancel message is working as intended.

Finally, when all files have been ingested, the submission portal should allow for finalising the submission. The submission needs first to be accepted through a helpdesk portal. Once this step is done, make sure that,

  • the message for the dataset arrives to the mapper service
  • the dataset is created in the database and it includes the correct files by checking the sda.datasets and sda.file_dataset tables.
  • the dataset has the status registered in the sda.dataset_event_log
  • the dataset gets the status released in the sda.dataset_event_log, this might take a while depending on what date was chosen in the submitter portal.

Upon the confirmation of all submission steps, it is reasonable to infer that the deployment's pipeline component is functioning correctly.