Database Setup

A Postgres database (version 15+) is employed for storing intermediate data to track progress in file ingestion. The database schema, named lega, is documented below.


Source code repository for DB component is available at:

The database container will initialize and create the necessary database structure and functions if started with an empty area. Procedures for backing up the database are important, however considered out of scope for the secure data archive project.

Refer to the SQL definitions if an interest in the database triggers exists.


Security is hardened:

  • The 'trust' authentication method is not utilized, even for local connections
  • Requiring password authentication for all
  • Enforcing TLS communication
  • Enforcing client-certificate verification

The following environment variables can be used to configure the database:

Variable Description Default value
PGDATA Mountpoint for the writable volume /var/lib/postgresql/data
POSTGRES_DB Name of the database sda
POSTGRES_PASSWORD Password for the user postgres -
POSTGRES_SERVER_CERT Public Certificate in PEM format -
POSTGRES_SERVER_KEY Private Key in PEM format -
POSTGRES_SERVER_CACERT Public CA Certificate in PEM format -
POSTGRES_VERIFY_PEER Enforce client verification verify-ca

Client verification is enforced if POSTGRES_VERIFY_PEER is set to verify-ca or verify-full.

Database schema

The current database schema is documented below.

erDiagram checksums { text checksum uuid file_id FK,UK integer id PK checksum_source source UK checksum_algorithm type UK } dataset_event_log { text dataset_id FK text event FK timestamp_with_time_zone event_date integer id PK jsonb message } dataset_events { text description integer id PK character_varying title UK } dataset_references { timestamp_with_time_zone created_at integer dataset_id FK timestamp_without_time_zone expired_at integer id PK text reference_id text reference_scheme } datasets { timestamp_with_time_zone created_at text description integer id PK text stable_id UK text title } dbschema_version { timestamp_with_time_zone applied character_varying description integer version PK } file_dataset { integer dataset_id FK,UK uuid file_id FK,UK integer id PK } file_event_log { uuid correlation_id jsonb details text error text event FK uuid file_id FK timestamp_without_time_zone finished_at integer id PK jsonb message timestamp_with_time_zone started_at boolean success text user_id } file_events { text description integer id PK character_varying title UK } file_references { timestamp_with_time_zone created_at timestamp_without_time_zone expired_at uuid file_id FK text reference_id text reference_scheme } files { text archive_file_path UK bigint archive_file_size text backup_path timestamp_with_time_zone created_at name created_by bigint decrypted_file_size text encryption_method text header uuid id PK timestamp_with_time_zone last_modified name last_modified_by text stable_id UK text submission_file_path UK bigint submission_file_size text submission_user } checksums }o--|| files : "file_id" dataset_event_log }o--|| dataset_events : "event" dataset_event_log }o--|| datasets : "dataset_id" dataset_references }o--|| datasets : "dataset_id" file_dataset }o--|| datasets : "dataset_id" file_dataset }o--|| files : "file_id" file_event_log }o--|| file_events : "event" file_event_log }o--|| files : "file_id" file_references }o--|| files : "file_id"

Database Functions

  • files_updated() - When there is an update, update the last_modified and last_modified_by fields on the files table.

  • register_file(submission_file_path TEXT, submission_user TEXT) - Function for registering files on upload

  • set_archived(file_uuid UUID, corr_id UUID, file_path TEXT, file_size BIGINT, inbox_checksum_value TEXT, inbox_checksum_type TEXT) - function for registering files as archived, along with their original path in the inbox

  • set_verified(file_uuid UUID, corr_id UUID, archive_checksum TEXT, archive_checksum_type TEXT, decrypted_size BIGINT, decrypted_checksum TEXT, decrypted_checksum_type TEXT) - utilised to mark files as verified along with all the necessary checksum details (decrypted and archived versions)

Database schema migration

For continuity/ease of upgrade in production the database supports automatic migrations between schema versions. This is handled by migration scripts that each provide the migration from a specific schema version to the next.

A schema version can contain multiple changes, but it is recommended to group them logically. Some practical thinking is also useful - if larger changes are required that risk being time consuming on large databases, it may be best to split that work in small chunks.

Doing so helps in both demonstrating progress as well as avoiding rollbacks of the entire process, in case that something fails. Each schema migration is done in a transaction.

Schema versions are integers. There is no strong coupling between releases of the secure data archive and database schema versions. A new secure data archive release may increase several schema versions/migrations or none.


Any changes done to database schema initialization should be reflected in a schema migration script.

For any required modifications to the database schema, it is advisable to update both the database initialization scripts (along with incrementing the bootstrapped schema version) and generate the corresponding migration script to execute the changes on a currently active database.

Migration scripts should be placed in /migratedb.d/ in the sensitive-data-archive repo ( It is advised to name these scripts in alignment with the schema version to which they facilitate migration. There is an "empty" migration script (01.sql) that can be used as a template.