Deployments and Local Bootstrap

There are different deployment strategies for environments like Docker Swarm, Kubernetes or a local-machine. The local development and testing guide is recommended for local-machine, while Kubernetes and Docker Swarm are recommended for production.

The production deployment repositories are:

neicnordic/sensitive-data-archive, provides the SDA services as well as PostgreSQL and RabbitMQ configuration. The following container image is used in the deployments where the tag separates between services:

  •<version>-postgres - PostgreSQL database
  •<version>-rabbitmq - RabbitMQ message broker
  •<version>-sftp-inbox - sftp inbox
  •<version>-auth - authentication service
  •<version>-download - download service
  •<version> - all other services such as: finalize, ingest, intercept, verify, mapper, sync, syncapi and s3inbox


Different nodes of the FederatedEGA network, and projects using the stand-alone SDA have made different decisions in how to deploy the system. Adaptations needs to be made depending on the system to deploy on, as well as the requirements of your deployment.