Getting Started developing components of the SDA stack

Should one wish to engage in the development of the SDA stack itself, the prerequisite is the installation of Go on the respective machine. The recommended version can be checked by running:

$ make go-version-check

In preparation for local development, it is essential to verify the proper installation of Go, including the establishment of a GOPATH. Confirm that $GOPATH/bin is included in the system's path, as certain distributions may package outdated versions of build tools. Subsequently, proceed to clone the repository. SDA employs Go Modules, and it is advisable to perform the cloning operation outside the GOPATH. Following this, obtain any necessary build tools by initializing the environment through bootstrapping:

$ make bootstrap

Makefile options

The Makefile is primarily designed to be an aid during development work.

Building the containers

To build all containers for the SDA stack:

$ make build-all

To build the container for a specific component replace all with the folder name:

$ make build-<folder-name>

Running the integration tests

This will build the container and run the integration test for the PostgreSQL container. The same test will run on every PR in github:

$ make integrationtest-postgres

This will build the RabbitMQ and SDA containers and run the integration test for the RabbitMQ container. The same test will run on every PR in github:

$ make integrationtest-rabbitmq

This will build all containers and run the integration tests for the SDA stack. The same test will run on every PR in github:

$ make integrationtest-sda

Linting the GO code

To run golangci-lint for all go components:

$ make lint-all

To run golangci-lint for a specific component replace all with the folder name (sda, sda-auth, sda-download):

$ make lint-<folder-name>

Running the static code tests

For the go code this means running go test -count=1 ./... in the target folder. For the sftp-inbox this calls mvn test -B inside a maven container.

To run the static code tests for all components:

$ make test-all

To run the static code tests for a specific component replace all with the folder name (sda, sda-auth, sda-download, sda-sftp-inbox):

$ make test-<folder-name>